Scientists debate bringing extinct species back to life March 18, 2013 Bringing back the passenger pigeon
Mitchison Champions Cross-Disciplinary Physiology Course at Marine Biological Laboratory March 6, 2013 Interdisciplinary Graduate Training in Teaching Labs
Pamela Silver Plenary Speaker at NISE Network Meeting February 25, 2013 Providing inspiration to 225 science educators
Garner Wins 2012 Smith Family Award February 25, 2013 Garner Wins 2012 Smith Family Award for Excellence in Biomedical Research Building a mechanistic understanding of bacterial growth
Losick Wins Harvard Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching February 6, 2013 Richard Losick Receives 2013 Fannie Cox Priz
‘On’ switches for cells (Schier) February 3, 2013 Researchers find early developmental signal hidden amid ‘noncoding’ RNA
Program Faculty Sunney Xie co-authors Science paper on gene sequencing January 4, 2013 Innovative technique can sequence entire genome from single cell
ERIN O'SHEA: HHMI VICE-PRESIDENT FOR SCIENCE AND CHIEF SCIENTIFIC OFFICER December 17, 2012 The prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute has named Erin K. O’Shea as Vice-President for Science and Chief Scientific Officer.
Harvard scientists build tiny structures with DNA Legos November 29, 2012 Tiny, nanoscale DNA structures assembled from DNA bricks
Cellular Clutch Control (Sam Reck- Peterson ) October 26, 2012 Researchers get under the hood of the cell’s automotive machinery